
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Things are looking up!

Well I made an appointment with my doctor for yesterday only to have to reschedule it for today. We got in yesterday and the receptionist told me my doctor had to run to the hospital to deliver a baby and to come back in about an hour. No big deal I didn't have any other plans for the day and DH took the rest of the day off. Plus I absolutely did not want to reschedule because I had been waiting for this appointment for about a month. We came back in an hour went back to the room did the usual (weight, blood pressure, and health questions) and finally the nurse says "Okay, the doctor will be in shortly he will talk to you and then do your exam (I was also doing my annual - unfortunately)." While we were waiting DH and I are looking around the room and he asks "Do you think those lights work?" I kind of laughed and said it was in case ladies/couples wanted some ambiance lighting during their appointment. I thought it was pretty fun and it definitely helped lighten the mood. I had been stressing out about this appointment for about a week.
About 10 minutes later my doctor came in hurriedly apologized because the baby he has just delivered wasn't doing well and he had to leave to go make sure it was okay and see what was going on. While I was disappointed we were going to have to reschedule I did understand. Considering we were going to talk to him about picking back up IF treatment it was heart warming to know he is very attentive. So we ended up having to reschedule anyway. Luckily they got us in today pretty early in the morning and DH had the day off. Thankfully it worked out perfectly.

We talked to my doctor about what testing we had done and the diagnosis and such. Went through everything. He decided he wanted to do an u/s to make sure and see for himself that I do in fact have PCOS. I have done this 3 times now and I must say it doesn't get any more fun or less awkward. Even though I know he does this on a regular basis anyone I don't know around my vagina is an uncomfortable feeling. I guess that is a good thing. When we got done he went over what PCOS is and what happens in the ovaries in someone with PCOS. I learned a lot and I appreciated that he wanted me to know everything that was going on in my body. Both of my other doctors have never really taken the time to actually explain it to me in depth. Just more of a here is your diagnosis, here is your treatment, see you later. It was very refreshing and a nice change! We talked about the blood tests that my RE had done. He mentioned he did not test my testosterone (which is sometimes higher in ladies with PCOS), cholesterol, and a diabetes test - all checked through blood work.

He wanted to go ahead and check these to determine what our treatment plan would be. If my testosterone is high then we need to get it back to normal. If I am having problems with my insulin then they will put me on Metformin + Clomid. Either way we have to wait for the labs to come back. I was very good. I sat down in the chair and didn't even have tears well up. This is a big deal for me. I hate needles. I know what you're thinking you hate needles and you are trying to get pregnant? Sometimes you get over things because something else is more important; which is how I feel about having children. The nurse said it would take about 3 days for my labs to come back. DH also has to do a SA. We got home and I think the nerves finally started to kick in. All this time we have been trying we have known that I had an issue that was holding us back. I think he is nervous about finding out the results of his test because what if he does have an issue. He did just fine though. We turned it in today. The doctor said it had to be 48 hours since the last time we had sex. While we did have sex on Sunday it was early enough that he could go ahead and do his SA today; which I was excited about. Because I just want him to get it done so we can figure out the results. The nice thing is if he does have an issue it is usually just a simple medication fix.

So now we wait. This will be the longest three days of my life. Hoping it will be okay and we can start treatment back up soon.

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